A Man Named Scott, Documentary Film, Title Sequence
& Graphics Package, Amazon Prime

A Man Named Scott is a documentary film centered on American musician and actor Scott Mescudi, better known as Kid Cudi. Directed by Robert Alexander, and released on Amazon Prime Video. The title sequence and graphics package concept revolves around Cudi’s ground-breaking lyrics. He was the first notable artist in the genre to express his deepest and darkest thoughts through his music, opening up a platform for mental health conversations and helping his fans. This connected with the audience in the genre and launched his music career. The words made the man.

Creative Director: Clarissa Donlevy Lead Designer: Lynn Cho Designer / Animator (Doctor Segment): Margherita Premuroso 3D Animation: Steve Biggert, Yongsub Song, Evan Ausmus 2D Animation & Compositing: Yongsub Song, Steve Biggert, Eugene Hyun, Peter Murphy, Nader Husseini, Bruno Ferrari, Evan Ausmus, Trix Taylor, Lucy Kim, Jehee Lee, Rod Basham Modelers: Christina Georgieva, Jose Limon Photographer: Jett Donlevy Editor: Rachel Fowler Producer: Michael Ross Coordinator: Mitchell Fraser Executive Producer: Luke Colson Head of Production: Kate Berry Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall. Design Studio: Elastic


Lisey's Story, Graphic Teaser, Apple TV+


Gossip, Showtime