The Kid From the Moon, Title Sequence, Amazon Prime
The original title sequence designed and animated for Amazon’s Kid Cudi documentary, before the film’s tone and creative changed direction to become A Man Named Scott. The director wanted light and color to be the key language, reflecting Cudi’s style and aesthetic as found in all his album artworks. Various key moments throughout the sequence nod to his albums as well as his journey of personal discovery. His collaborators and friends, are featured bathed in colorful light or projected over Cudi.
Creative Director: Clarissa Donlevy Designers: Lynn Cho, Clarissa Donlevy, Jehee Lee Designer / Animators: Lucy Kim, Amanda Koh, 3D Animation: Blaise Hussaine. Texture Shoot: Rachel Brickel Editor: Jessica LeDeax Producer: Michael Ross Executive Producer: Luke Colson Head of Production: Kate Berry Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall Design Studio: Elastic