Surface, Title Sequence, Apple TV+

Apple TV’s Surface is a psychological thriller centered around a woman's quest to rebuild her life after a suicide attempt, and her struggle to understand all the things that led up to that moment. The title sequence captures the poetry and symbolism of drowning in a fog of lost memories, the vast emptiness experienced with a lost identity or sense of place, while searching for the answers.

Creative Director: Clarissa Donlevy Designers: Carlo Sa, Taehoon Park, Lynn Kim Animators: Taehoon Park, Trix Taylor Editors: Rachel Fowler, Javier Gonzalez Director of Photography: Chris Amodio Technical Director/Color Management: Andrew Young Production Coordinator: Hannah Rowswell Producer: Emily Stave Deputy Head of Production: Zach Wakefield Executive Producer: Luke Colson Executive Producer/Head of Production: Kate Berry Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall Design Studio: Elastic


Ancestry Campaign, Anomaly, London


Class of '09, Opening Title Sequence, FX